Business Process Services

Consulting and managed services for Local Government business processes including rates and payroll processing

Business Process Services

Consulting and managed services for Local Government business processes including rates and payroll processing

We recognise the unique geographical, resource and communication issues faced by local councils. The Civica Business Process Services team is focused on developing business services and delivery of core functions in areas that help our customers to reduce the cost and risk of service delivery.

Why choose Business Process Services

Transparent tracking and continuous improvements to reduce risks

Technical advisory and negotiations including systems integration to existing and new systems

Increased efficiency with bottom line improvements

Services ranging from IT operations to workplace administration

Our services range from service delivery management and the provision of complete IT operations to individual workplace services such as rates and payroll administration. Customers can tap into essential resources, combining quality controlled services with a flexible cost base, catering for the peaks and troughs of activity. Councils can expect to realise significant benefits by partnering with Civica Business Process Services.

Increased effectiveness and efficiency

  • Tightly managed performance environment driven by outcomes, delivered by a partner who is regularly assessed against agreed targets and service levels.

Bottom line improvements

  • Cost reduction in areas such as staff training, salary overheads, staff replacement and service continuity.

Continuous improvement

  • Work with customers to identify opportunities where costs can be reduced and efficiencies enhanced is key to the success of each business process services arrangement.

Better control and visibility

  • When optimally implemented, externally provided services can maintain or even increase transparency and control for your organisation. Service levels are agreed on and comprehensively documented to enable effective service quality management.

Process improvements

  • Civica draws on best practice principals and the collective experience of the business across a very broad range of operating environments and works with the customers to incorporate process improvements and innovations.

Reduced Risk

  • Civica reduces the risk of staff retention and the impact of staff turnover on business continuity.

Find out more about how Civica can transform the way you work