15th December 2016

Civica technology at heart of Sevacare’s successful growth strategy

Sevacare is a leading provider of domiciliary and related care services, providing support for over 3,000 people across 24 locations throughout the UK. With some 40,000 hours of care and support provided each week, Sevacare is among the top 10 providers of domiciliary care services in the UK and the largest independently owned provider in the country.

Sevacare’s turnover is in excess of £26m. Currently developing and expanding their provision of specialist care services, Sevacare is also fast becoming known for being an excellent specialist provider, with 6,500 hours provided per week for people with learning disabilities and autism.

Sevacare has worked in partnership with Civica for the last four years to achieve consistency of systems across the business. SSevacare utilise the full range of Coldharbour domiciliary care software products and services, and we feel they are an
example of an organisation which extracts maximum value from the complete system.

The benefits

  • Centralised business rules removing errors at branch level
  • Uniformity of process and procedures driving a direct correlation to increases in quality
  • Presentation of KPI’s at branch level in a format for Sevacare to focus on specific targets and to provide immediate performance indication
  • Utilising skills matching features to ensure the optimal carer delivers the best possible package of care
  • The resource planner (end user interface) has all but removed double bookings and missed calls, and allows the business to rapidly schedule complex and diverse packages of care
  • Installing Coldharbour immediately in new branches and acquisitions to ensure consistency and to facilitate rapid integration of new businesses.
Organisations, like ourselves, that are expanding rapidly need their systems to generate consistent information and facilitate strong controls. Coldharbour software does this with its global products and important features, such as skills matching.”
Roger Booker, Chief Executive, Sevacare