Collision Reporting and Sharing

Streamline police working, save money and improve road safety with CRaSH's mobile roadside reporting

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Make collision reporting more efficient, accurate and cost-effective

Mobile roadside reporting saves time and money and provides a more accurate picture of the causes and locations of traffic collisions.

Civica's cloud collision reporting and sharing system, CRaSH, is transforming the management of road traffic collisions across UK police forces. Mobile reporting functionality within the newly enhanced CRaSH 7 enables police officers to capture essential collision information at the roadside quickly and more accurately, using Ordnance Survey mapping to record the precise geographical location, as well as direction of travel, of a collision. 

By improving the quality of data captured, CRaSH highlights collision hotspots across the road network and enables more effective spending on road network improvements, leading to improved road safety and ultimately helping to save lives. 

Alongside easier roadside reporting, CRaSH streamlines the end-to-end management of collisions from initial incident recording and evidence collection through to resolution, including prosecution, delivering substantial savings across police forces, local authorities and government bodies. 

CRaSH is available to police forces across England and Wales through the Department for Transport.

Why choose CRaSH?

Mobile roadside reporting saves time and money

More accurate and timely data capture builds a clearer picture of why and where collisions occur

Automated workflows and streamlined processes enable quicker and easier case management

Key features of CRaSH:

      • Create and edit traffic collision reports using a mobile app or desktop browser

      • Capture photo and video evidence at the roadside as part of the report

      • Metadata capture and advanced mapping capability, using Ordnance Survey data, accurately pinpoints the collision location, time and direction of travel

      • Validation of information at the collision scene ensures right-first-time data entry

      • Automated workflows and tasks streamline end-to-end case management of collisions, from evidence collection through to prosecution

      • Create redacted collision reports for third-parties, such as insursers, in just minutes

      • Easily share anonymised, statistical data with government, local authorities and national transport agencies to support planning and road safety initiatives

      • Secure, resilient hosting within the Microsoft Azure cloud.


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