Managed Libraries

With a large staff of professional senior librarians and technical experts, running a library is second nature at Civica since we’ve been managing 300 plus libraries for nearly a decade.


What sets us apart from other library vendors is our holistic approach to library service management.

Our people and professional integrity is backed up with an established infrastructure that spans library systems, collections, library staffing and library programmes.

A Civica Managed Library includes:

  • Library consultancy for renovation and design
  • Library staffing and administration
  • Collection services
  • Library technologies
  • Programmes and education

Benefits of a Spydus Managed Library:

  • We manage the full library package
  • No hidden costs - a set annual fee
  • We are library & information professionals

Civica managed libraries can provide all of the following services. Simply tell us what you need and we will provide all of the software and services for your library community.

Library consultancy for renovation and design

The Civica vision for libraries is that of an engaging physical and virtual environment with a space for learning, a space for sharing, a space for knowledge, a space for leisure and a space for community and culture. With professional staff with experience in library design and renovation projects, Civica provides professional advice on library layout, equipment and infrastructure based on individual requirements and needs.

Library staffing and administration

With many years of experience in library staffing recruitment, Civica provides library staff from qualified librarians to para-professionals to library assistants and shelvers.  We understand the culture, the processes and the relationships to be able to provide the right support to get the best outcome for the customer and the candidate. Civica is an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) with the Workforce Development Authority (WDA) of Singapore delivering accredited library operation skills courses. Not relying on library operational training alone, we also regularly conduct a broad range of “soft skills” training to supplement their library skills.

Collection and collection development services

Civica’s collection and collection development service encompasses collection development and management to deliver ‘shelf-ready’ library resources in a timely manner. In a Civica Managed Library we monitor our collections using the various tools available to ensure that the library has the latest, most popular and relevant titles.

Library technologies

Spydus is a fully automated information management solution for academic, government, public and corporate libraries. It automates the full range of library functions including the necessary back end functions such as cataloguing, acquisitions, circulation and reporting, but also provides a fully unified approach to library technology which is essential for all librarians looking to the future.

Programmes and education

Civica’s suite of programmes include activity based programmes, competitions, workshops and library events that are exciting, hands-on and  age appropriate.   Civica will ensure that the library is well used and vibrant by organising library and literacy programmes as part of the Complete Managed Library package

The Singapore Sports Hub library is centrally located in the Singapore Sports Hub precinct. This Civica managed library was opened in 2015 and has become the meeting point for many Sports Hub activities including hosting national and international dignitaries. Every year it offers several hundred programmes for the entire Singapore community, and has a vast range of print and electronic sports and recreation related resources.

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