Reduce Council Tax fraud

With regular reviews of SPD

Read our datasheet

Single Person Discount monitoring service

Regular monitoring of the Single Person Discount (SPD) caseload generates significant additional Council Tax revenue.

To ensure SPDs on Council Tax are correctly applied, most councils review their SPD caseload on a one- or two-year cycle. As well as causing a major spike in workload when review time comes around, this approach leaves a large window of opportunity for fraud and error to occur, which can lead to considerable revenue losses.

With Civica OnDemand SPD monitoring, you can replace periodic bulk reviews with monthly monitoring of your entire SPD caseload. Our expert team uses external data sources to help spot SPD claims which may be fraudulent, and identify and process changes of circumstances that could affect eligibility for SPD.

Why Civica OnDemand SPD monitoring?

Ongoing SPD monitoring helps councils maintain more accurate and up-to-date SPD records. Errors and changes in circumstances are identified faster; while the risk of fraud is reduced through more regular credit-checking and other verification activities.

Read our datasheet

At Enfield Council, the Civica service provides quality-assurance monitoring of its self-service system to reduce error rates and fraud risk. As a result, the council generated nearly £630,000 of additional Council Tax income in one year.

The Civica service provides effective ongoing monitoring of our self-service SPD claim system, reducing the risk of fraud and error. Otherwise, the cost-efficiency benefits of the online system could have been compromised."
Geoff Waterton, Head of Collections, Enfield Council
      Complete the form below and we'll call you back to discuss how to eliminate SPD fraud and error, and ensure it remains eliminated.


A Single Person Discount review adds £342,000 to Durham City Council's coffers

Removing unjustified SPDs helps maximise the council's annual income

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