
1st February 2017

Combat driver shortages . . . and improve customer service

The FTA has widely reported on driver shortages, exacerbated by Driver CPC requirements, working hours, reduction in EU drivers, plus an ageing workforce.

In the meantime, competition for available drivers has likely increased costs for delivery operations and their customers.  So, one way to minimise the risk for your delivery operation is to implement intelligent delivery management software to reduce driver and admin work-load and improve overall efficiency and safety.


TranSend ePOD users benefit from using intelligent proof of delivery  software integrated with route planning to ensure that routes, vehicles and driver-time are optimised to get the best performance possible from existing resources.

Drivers, including sub-contractors or agency drivers, use the intuitive proof of delivery software app to deliver a tailored service, where clear, customer-specific stop instructions are delivered on the driver’s device, so that any driver can complete jobs more quickly and efficiently, highlighting any issues as they arise.

In many cases, introducing a paperless system, driven by intelligent workflow has also reduced the need and cost of additional sub-contracted drivers.

The TranSend ePOD app can be used on Android and iOS devices, including the Zebra TC57 and TC77 Touch rugged devices, providing real-time route and stop information to the Transport, Customer Service and Planning teams with our back office delivery analytics, including Route Boards, Arrivals Boards and Plan vs. Actual.


Hear what our customers say . . .

Being able to handle customer-specific delivery requirements, including instructions for unattended deliveries, was considered a critical mission to our business as it means that any driver can deliver to any site and therefore provides greater flexibility in driver resourcing.”  Adelie Foods


"Our drivers receive detailed instructions specific to each drop via the PDA, including the procedure for validating receipt of controlled drugs. This makes the delivery process straightforward and means that any driver can take up a route and follow the drop sequence – particularly useful for new and temporary drivers."  Ethigen


“Being able to provide sub-contractors with the same TranSend functionality on their own devices, means that we can more effectively monitor and manage the costs of all deliveries whilst providing our customers with excellent service and response times whether we use our own drivers or a third party.” Barwick Bathrooms

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More about TranSend ePOD

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ePOD Overview download