MultiVue CRM Embed

Complete and accurate data management for Microsoft Dynamics 365

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As the nature of customer interactions changes and becomes more complex, is your CRM keeping pace?

The touchpoints people have with your organisation can often span multiple departments and employees, resulting in data in several different systems, lack of meaningful insight and a disjointed and inefficient customer experience.

To drive maximum value from your investment in Microsoft Dynamics 365, it’s critical that the data held encompasses these many touchpoints.

CRM Embed, part of the cloud-enabled MultiVue platform, is a powerful master data management module that integrates directly into Dynamics 365, offering a seamless experience for the user and a faster time to value for your organisation.

Connecting MultiVue with your CRM enables you to manage relationships more efficiently and with greater intelligence, improving customer experience and driving competitive advantage.

CRM Embed ensured the data in Dynamics 365 is always accurate and trusted, without which we would not have had the confidence that our new online services would be right and valuable to our customers.”
Peter Greenham,
Digital Innovation and Business Manager, Ealing Council



The value MultiVue CRM Embed delivers

  • Better data quality and insight
  • Drive value by connecting data
  • Improve customer experience

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