Adult Social Care financial assessment service

Shorten processing times, eliminate assessment delays and maximise income collection

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Our skilled and experienced ASC financial assessors are available on demand to help you maintain service levels by handling peaks, clearing backlogs and completing projects.

Managing the Adult Social Care (ASC) financial assessment workload can be challenging: you need to ensure that service users are making the correct contributions towards the cost of their care, and that they’re receiving all their entitlements.

However, if team members are absent or you’re struggling to recruit staff, it’s all too easy for a backlog to build up.

In any of these situations, Civica OnDemand can help. Our skilled financial assessors can quickly step in to clear a backlog, complete a project, or support you over the longer term.

Main benefits

  • Eliminate financial assessment delays
  • Maintain service levels during workload peaks or staff shortages
  • Improve income collection, and reduce debtor days and write-offs
  • Reduce contribution collection time through prompt, effective reviews
  • Free up your experts by letting us carry out assessments and other backoffice processing.

You don’t have to provide Civica OnDemand staff with office space, computers or phones: they work remotely, accessing your systems over PSN-compliant connections. On top of their skills and experience, they have access to the DWP’s customer information system (CIS), which boosts the speed and accuracy of their work.

All our financial assessors:

  • Are familiar with Care Act regulations
  • Are DBS checked
  • Have at least five years’ experience in ASC or a similar benefits-related area
  • Can use any ASC financial system

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The Civica team has expert knowledge of our financial system and were able to adapt their skills and knowledge around our local rules and policies, taking into account the regulations of the Care Act.”
David Jackson, Resources and Transformation Manager, North Lincolnshire Council

More efficient ASC financial assessments at Camden, Lewisham and Merton Councils

Civica’s OnDemand Adult Social Care team helps three London boroughs manage the ASC financial assessment workload.

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ASC Direct Payments monitoring

Optimise income collection through identification of surplus funds

Read our datasheet

Dorset County Council makes charges fairer for adult social care

Civica’s OnDemand Adult Social Care team supports the introduction of a fairer ASC charging policy by Dorset County Council.

View case study

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