
23rd August 2017

Buckinghamshire County Council calls on Civica’s technology expertise

Trimming software spend and implementing transformation. Like all public sector bodies, Buckinghamshire County Council is striving to provide the best possible services to its residents in a time of shrinking budgets. These cost constraints mean that for a number of functions the Council now commissions services from external providers rather than running everything in-house.


  • £34,000 of unused software licences freed up, and responsiveness and end-user productivity maximised
  • Smooth migration to Office 365 to boost productivity and promote an agile culture
  • Employees able to access applications on any device, anywhere, any time
We are looking for partners who have expertise because we don’t always have that in-house any more. That’s where we have a relationship with Civica.” 
Mr Jon Brainch, Senior Technical Officer, Buckinghamshire County Council

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