Dilip Patel

Dilip Patel, Head of Infrastructure and Cloud

Thanks to Civica's flexible working policy, Dilip is adjusting well to his new working life; albeit his temporary workmates being his kids!

How has your working life changed since the pandemic began?

Thankfully my work routine has not changed significantly as I often worked from home before the pandemic took hold; Civica has always provided a very good work-life balance. I do find myself having to break away from the desk a little more to ensure my kids are not wrecking the house though! Fortunately it’s not too much of a distraction.

How are you striking a good work-life balance?

I think it’s important to take regular breaks, including from the home office to catch up on personal reading, cooking and of course taking in my daily lunchtime walk. After work I’ve learnt to switch off from my mobile by using an app that locks me out of certain apps until the next morning! This definitely makes it easier to have quality family time.

What is the biggest challenge for you right now?

Workwise it’s a challenge keeping in touch with my team but I’ve found that holding an ‘Energise and Social’ bar via Skype works well. A personal home challenge is ensuring my eight-year-old and three-year-old have plenty to do! It’s a challenge keeping on top of things when you have a houseful but we’re managing for now – particularly managing well potty training for our youngest!

How is Civica supporting you?

Civica has been great in supporting me even before the pandemic by allowing very good homeworking flexibility and equipment for my home office. Over the last few weeks, support for our people has increased significantly with regular updates provided by the Group, useful and entertaining Yammer content, and not to forget weekly leadership calls with our CEO.

What are the upsides to your new working life?

The upsides are getting to spend more time with family and learning to switch off from email, but also taking advantage of the benefits that Civica provides for wellbeing, which I ignored a little before but have now started to take advantage of.

What advice do you have for others who may be in the same or similar situation to you?

Use the technology that is available to you and where possible use video to make you feel even more interactive! Make the most of your time at home to spend it with your household or via online catch-ups. Our family WhatsApp group has gone mad!

What are your top tips for socialising and relaxing outside of work right now? 

Use any outdoor spaces you have access to, and even consider taking your laptop out in the sunshine once in a while. If you’re a technophobe, don’t be: this is your time to learn and use some of the simple tech out there. Just a text message works well too!  

Any final thoughts?

If like me you’re into tech, then try to donate old electronics such as tablets or laptops to others in need. In my spare time I’ve cleaned up and rebuilt an old iPad and gave it to my elderly neighbour. I’m trying to do a good deed every couple of weeks to help others during this awful time!