Emily Longfellow

Emily Longfellow, Business Centre Administrator

Although Emily's role is office based, Emily only joined Civica when the pandemic took hold and remote working became the norm.

How has your working life changed since the pandemic began?

I’m so used to waking up early, getting ready and commuting to work so not having that normality did feel strange for the first couple of days. I decided to set up a workspace at home where I knew I’d be proactive and productive, and I still wake up early, get myself dressed and take my dog out for a walk for an hour before coming home to start work.

How are you striking a good work-life balance?

I always make sure to leave the room I’ve been working in when I take my lunch, even if it’s just to potter around in the garden or have a catch up with my sister over FaceTime. After I finish work, I tidy my desk to help me feel prepared for the next day and also to switch off. I then like to cook a nice meal from scratch – cooking can be very therapeutic! 

What is the biggest challenge for you right now?

I have only been with Civica just shy of two weeks so I think the biggest challenge for me is not being able to interact with my new colleagues. When starting a new job, I absolutely love getting introduced to colleagues in person and putting faces to the names of people I’ve been emailing.

How is Civica supporting you?

I have had the warmest virtual welcome from everyone I’ve spoken to which has been amazing. I was able to go into the office for a couple of days to have my laptop set up and to be shown how to use the systems which was very helpful. My manager has been excellent in providing me with the help I need too and is always checking in to make sure I’m doing okay. Even people who don’t work in my office have been fantastic at supporting me with any questions that I’ve had. 

What are the upsides to your new working life?

When I’d commute, I’d text my friends and family as this was my free time to catch up in the day. Now I actually have the time to call people, which really does boost your mood rather than reading responses from a screen. I think my dog also absolutely loves having me around a lot more too!

What advice do you have for others who may be in the same or similar situation to you?

If there are any new starters out there, don’t be afraid to ask if you’re unsure about something. Everyone who I’ve asked for help have given me such detailed answers to anything I’ve needed to know.

What are your top tips for socialising and relaxing outside of work right now?

My friends and I have decided to host a pub quiz once a week which is such a fun way to have a laugh and have it feel like a night out. I’ve also turned my hand to gardening! With the weather being relatively nice, I’ve decided to start growing my own vegetables. There’s so much information on getting started online and I find it very relaxing. 

Any final thoughts?

Stay connected! We all need each other at this moment in time and it’s important to reach out to your friends, family and colleagues. Even a quick ten minute call can really make a huge difference.