
4th December 2018

SLAM saves time & increases efficiencies at South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Working with Civica enables South Tees Hospital to free up expert income personnel by transferring and removing unnecessary tasks; utilising the cloud optimised SLAM platform.

Increasing demand for income reporting was challenging a small team to do more with less.

South Tees Hospitals contracting team were under growing pressure. They needed to process their income position twice monthly using the output to report to both internal stakeholders and commissioners.

Processing was lengthy, taking over 5 days to modify and import over 50 data imports. With data volumes growing and becoming more complex they found their infrastructure was also starting to struggle with the increasing requirements. On top of that they were now challenged to generate the same requirements with less people and ideally have time to review and analyse the resulting output.

By using SLAM and the associated automation tools the Trust can now spend more time reporting and analysing the results to stakeholders in a more efficient and timely manner.

Benefits & outcomes

  • Saves time by loading and processing data nightly, ready for review the following morning
  • Peace of mind knowing all application requirements are managed by Civica in the cloud
  • Secure platform access and data transfer to keep data safe
  • Data quality improvements at source ensuring the outputs are more accurate
  • At least 40% increase in calculation performance, attributed to a managed and maintained infrastructure
  • At least 5 days of precious business time saved per month on processing
  • Cash flow benefits resulting from invoice automation
  • Uses Microsoft Power BI reporting capabilities to generate powerful and easy to use business intelligence
  • Updates are automatically applied to enable access to new features and capabilities as soon as they’re released.

Continuing our partnership with Civica and using their SLAM solution gives us reassurances that our data is secure as well as improving our performance and efficiencies."

Steven Mason, Director of Finance, South Tees NHS Foundation Trust

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