15th December 2016

Over 8,000 employee records scanned for Portsmouth Hospitals freeing up 75 shelving units.

When the Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust’s HR department had to move to new premises, their challenge was how to deal with the 75 shelving units holding their paper records.

Most of the physical files were current employee records, held in some 8,000 manila folders. While these have to remain accessible, having them in paper form was both cumbersome and inefficient and took up a lot of space. There were also compliance issues, as office moves would have meant documents being moved around in a relatively unsecure fashion between locations.

We already had some documents stored on CDs. We needed to import those into the system, we needed to bureau scan the existing records in the paper files and then go live in a paperless environment. Basically, we needed a system to join the three parts together.”

Alison Welstead - HR Administration Officer, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

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