
22nd May 2019

Peterborough City Council chooses Civica to drive efficiencies and improve customer experience

Peterborough will implement Civica’s cloud platform, Cx Regulatory Services, in multiple public protection departments across shared service

Peterborough City Council has chosen the latest cloud Cx Regulatory Services software from Civica, a market leader in business-critical software applications, digital solutions and managed services, to manage its regulatory service functions in a new five-year deal.

The Council provides a shared service for Cambridgeshire County Council (managing Trading Standards) and Rutland County Council (Trading Standards, Licensing & Environmental Health). Implementing Cx Regulatory Services will help streamline processes across the three Councils and improve service delivery with a single platform to support multiple users.

As an integrated cloud platform Cx Regulatory Services, includes functionality for Licensing, Community Safety, Trading Standards, Environmental Health, Housing Assistance, Housing Enforcement and resident online interaction, meaning local authorities are better informed in their decision making to reach case outcomes consistently and with confidence.

A long-standing customer of Civica’s APP software for regulatory services since 1998, the new five-year contract has been undertaken as part of Peterborough’s wider digital transformation programme to move to more agile, web-based ways of working for both employees and residents.

The Council will phase in Cx Regulatory Services in stages, initially introducing the Cx Licensing module to improve working processes by automating routine tasks, ease the burden of high volumes of applications during peak periods and increase efficiencies. The Council plans to introduce further Cx Regulatory Services modules for Trading Standards, Environmental Health, Housing Assistance and Housing Enforcement across the shared service to support their digital agenda.

The new software means residents across Cambridge, Peterborough and Rutland will soon be able to apply for licences quickly and easily online: this will increase flexibility and drive citizen engagement as residents can manage their licence applications and progress updates online at a time which suits.

Cx Regulatory Services offers benefits to employees with added reporting functions to allow the shared service to make better informed decisions about current and future service provision. The cloud platform also enables people to work in the field/ from home, supporting the Council’s agile and flexible working ambitions.

Peter Gell, Head of Regulatory Services at Peterborough City Council said: “As one of the top four growth areas in the country, we face the dual challenge of reduced funding and increasing demand on services. Cx Regulatory Services will now enable us to make efficiency savings which we can reinvest in smarter, more responsive services for our residents.

“As a shared service, the new cloud platform will allow us to have a holistic view of services across the three councils, as well as being more intuitive to use, help manage workflow and be more transparent for the customer. Cx Regulatory Services will put us in a stronger position for the future and it’s great to continue working with long-term partner like Civica which already has the in-depth knowledge of our organisation.”

Emily Douglin, Regulatory Services Director at Civica, commented: “As a long-term partner of Peterborough, Cambridge and Rutland, we are delighted to be introducing Cx Regulatory Services to provide a single platform across the shared service to manage cases and drive efficiencies across all teams. The cloud platform Cx will aid regulatory services departments in sharing information quickly and accurately while responding to citizens faster and in a more complete way to increase satisfaction.”

This new Cx Regulatory Services contract follows recent partnerships with Durham County Council, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council and Rugby Borough Council.