Keystone Asset Management

Facilitating the safety & compliance of all your property-based assets

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A comprehensive asset management solution with full risk and compliance assurance for landlords

More than 130 organisations use our cloud-enabled Keystone asset management software to manage 2.5m property assets.

As well as excellent data collection, Keystone provides management reporting which underpins tight control over planning and financing for major works. Fully integrated compliance tools cover asbestos, servicing and risk assessment.

With Keystone you can be confident that data is securely stored. And because you can use it on a tablet, smartphone, laptop or desktop computer, you have the freedom to work from anywhere, at any time.

Keystone Asset Management Platform

Why choose Keystone Asset Management

  • 100% compliance delivering clarity and insight for regulatory reporting and statutory compliance.
  • Effective data management enabling you to analyse, plan and deliver your planned programmes more effectively.
  • Keystone's efficient processes and slick, integrated data management will help you cut out unnecessary costs.

Meeting the housing management challenge

Increasing demand for social housing means that housing providers must manage their property assets effectively to ensure they are fit for purpose and occupied.

Keystone is a modular, browser-based asset management solution for social landlords. It meets the most demanding requirements in:

  • Asset management
  • Planned maintenance
  • Asbestos
  • Equipment servicing and inspection management
  • Risk management
  • Component accounting

Although each module can be used independently, you'll optimise business benefit by using Keystone as a complete, integrated solution.

At the heart of Keystone is a modern, flexible and well-engineered SQL Server database surrounded by a functionally rich Microsoft browser-based user interface. This combination delivers powerful performance with quick and easy access to information.

Let us manage the solution so you don't have too. Talk to us about moving to the cloud.

As part of our transformation programme, we introduced Keystone foundation mobile initially piloting it with 13 members of staff and in year one we have forecasted to save £158,000! We are now able to undertake stock condition surveys in house, and where possible, asbestos maintenance inspections. Now, the information is updated in Keystone asset management system in real time, so we can ensure our surveyors are updated whilst working out in the field."
James Kiernan, Stock Investment Manager, ASRA Housing

Civica Cloud Suite

Our suite of transformation experts, enterprise cloud software and professional services help public service organisations make every day better with cloud.

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Our Cloud Suite has more than 285 cloud software and services available to buy through the Digital Marketplace. Order your asset management software today.

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Some of our Keystone customers include:

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